Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Ron Harris is the Co-Chairman, along with Chad McQueen, of the Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show, a position he has held since the show’s inception in 2007. The show benefits The Boys Republic in Chino Hills, California. He was a vintage racer running with VARA, HSR West, and HMSA racing his 1965 Porsche 356 for 12 years. Ron started his own company, Better Beverages, a fountain beverage supply company to the foodservice industry, a company he owned an ran from 1969 till 2017. He is a past President of the International Beverage Dispensing Equipment Association, the Southern California Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the 356 Porsche Club of Southern California. 

Direct download: Ep1031-Ron_Harris.mp3
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