Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Whit Montross is responsible for running the day-to-day operations for Hagerty Marketplace. He and his team review thousands of submissions each year to ensure they are bringing the best ones to market with fair reserves. They work with sellers to make sure their listings are accurate and highlight their vehicles properly. Whit has been with Hagerty for over 10 years, much of that time was in their service center underwriting insurance and talking with Hagerty members. At Hagerty their goal is to ensure and preserve Save Driving and Fuel Car Culture for future generations. Whit built his first race car in the back of Hagerty’s Colorado office. He currently races a 1967 BMW 1600 with Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing. Whit and Hagerty’s love for connecting with fellow enthusiasts combine with helping to make the collector car world more fun for all involved.

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