Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Juliette Brinkerhoff was the navigator with Valkyrie Racing in their most recent venture in Kenya and Tanzania, Africa. She rode with her mother, the driver and past Cars Yeah guest Renee Brinkerhoff, as part of Project 356, a 7 continent, 18 countries, 20,000-mile world record attempt. Along with worldwide adventures, the Team raises funds and makes donations through Valkyrie Gives where they fight against child trafficking, helping women and children at risk around the world. When Juliette isn’t navigating the world with her mom in a racecar, she runs Folie, a socially conscious dog clothing company offering unique products made in Los Angeles, California. Juliette’s love for cars comes from her mom’s Project 356 World Rally Tour and she is a big supporter of breaking barriers and pursuing one's passion.

Juliette’s sister, Christina, has also been a guest here on Cars Yeah.


Direct download: Ep1477-Juliette_Brinkerhoff.mp3
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