Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Lynn Kehoe is the Founder and CEO of Shift Up Now. Her goal is to use motorsports to show girls and women how to develop courage and confidence so to succeed in achieving their personal and professional goals. She manages drivers for speaking engagements with groups to share their racing experiences and help to build leaders in the industry. She started racing in 2015 after spending 3 years moving up the ranks in a High-Performance Driving Education program. She earned her first competition license through the Sports Car Club of America and holds a Time Trial license with the National Auto Sports Association. She has ice raced with the Adirondack Motor Enthusiast Club and she trained at Le Mans, France, attending a Porsche Driving School Stage GT3 RS. Before Shift Up Now Lynn had a successful career spanning three decades in financial services, real estate investing, business development, and consulting.

Direct download: Ep1250-Lynn_Kehoe.mp3
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