Tue, 15 January 2019
Laura Adams is a Safety and Education analyst at DriversEd.com, the number one online driving school. She is also a personal finance expert, consumer advocate, and award-winning author of multiple books, including Money Girl’s Smart Moves to Grow Rich. Her website, LauraDAdams.com, is filled with a treasure trove of financial help, tools, and guidance for a stress-free life when it comes to your financial situation. Laura has hosted the popular Money Girl Podcast since 2008 with over 50 million downloads by legions of loyal fans. No doubt you’ve seen her on NBC, CBS, ABC FOX, Bloomberg, to name a few television networks and in print including Money, The New York Times, Marketplace, Forbes, Consumer Reports, and many other publications. Laura’s mission is to empower consumers to live richer lives and to educate through speaking, teaching, and advocacy work. |