Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Jason Rose is the Director of Global Training for RUPES USA. With a total of 40 years in the car care industry, Jason spent 20 years with Meguiar’s in their Professional Division before joining RUPES. RUPES is an Italian company with a 65-year history of designing and producing the finest in innovative machine tools and their reputation in the automotive surface care sector is world renown. RUPES recently built and opened a facility in Colorado as they continue to grow in the US marketplace. Jason is a top industry leader in surface care and correction, product development, and training. His history in car care goes back to detailing cars in high school and that business financed his college education. Today, one of his focuses is training for the RUPES BigFoot as its Car Detailing Academy Director.

Direct download: Ep1114-Jason_Rose.mp3
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