Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Jase Andrews is the host of Australia’s number one four-wheel-drive and adventure shows, All 4 Adventure and All 4 Adventure Unleashed. Driven by an unquenchable love for the undiscovered regions of Australia this modern day explorer is persistent and fearless when heading out into the wild. Jase honed his skills in the Australian bush from an early age having driven across Australia six times before his mid-20s. His experience living off the land in some of the most remote and hostile parts of the country has given Jase knowledge and skills that he loves to share with others. Jase and his crew push the limits making the All 4 Adventure shows the best 4X4 adventure shows on Australian television. Audiences will be able to tune into UNLEASHED TV with a subscription via the US website as it went live on the 23rd of October.

Direct download: Jase_Andrews_Final_1.mp3
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