Tue, 3 May 2016
![]() Dwight T. Knowlton the founder and the creative genius behindCarpeGear.com. plus he is the first three-time guest here on CarsYeah. Dwight is an designer who is currently writing his thirdautomotive themed children’s book that is titled The Small SilverSpeedster. His prior two books, The Little Red Racing Car and TheGreatest Race were received with tremendous success around theworld garnering him awards and accolades. Dwight creates, writes,illustrates, and publishes his books then brings them to the markethimself. Today we’ll be talking about his new book and theKickstarter campaign he’s developed for this new book that he’screating for his daughter and all the father and daughters outthere. Dwight’s motto is Carpe Viam! Sieze the road and enjoy thejourney. Be sure to subscribe to the Carpe Viam Newslettertoday. |