Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Geoff Weiner is a collector of Lalique mascots that were created by the great French glass designer and artisan René Lalique. During the inter-war period from 1925 until 1931 the Lalique factory catalogued 28 various depictions of animals, fish, birds, insects, and his female figures. Geoff has been interested in collecting since he was a boy and started with toy soldiers and then moving into militaria and other antiques and collectibles. He is the author of Unique Lalique Mascots Volumes 1 and 2 and has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows and is an adviser on the values of automobilia. He has the privilege of being the Honorable General Secretary of The Lalique Mascot Collector’s Club and he owns the Lalique Gallery located in The White Lion Garage in Brighton, Sussex, England.

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