Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

David Dickinson is the creator and editor of The Old Car Nut Book series. David’s books provide an opportunity for people to share their stories about life around cars and how the old car hobby has enhanced their lives.  His first two books, The Old Car Nut Book #1 and #2 have been received with open arms. David has now published a third book, The Old Car Nut Book #3: “A century of travel across America”, focusing on enthusiast’s stories about travel. He is the recipient of the Outstanding Automotive Historian Award from the Washington State Hot Rod Hall of Fame. David is the first Cars Yeah guest to return to the show and I’m proud to say he accepted a story from me about a trip I took with my son up the California Coast in our Beck Spyder. David is pictured above with hot rod legend Johnny D'Agostino.

As a gift to our Cars Yeah listeners David is offering something special for any of you who want to acquire a signed copy of his newest book, The Old Car Nut Book #3: A century of travel across America. See

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