Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Harrod Blank is one of the key figures behind the art car movement in the US. His website Art Car Agency is a place to find the most unusual automobiles ever created. He has designed and built several of his own art cars using a hodgepodge of found objects. The Camera Van (above) is covered in 2,750 cameras of which ten function. A VW Bug based oh My God! Car that has to be seen, to be believed. Then there is Pico De Gallo, an interactive VW music mobile. Harrod has created 3 documentary films, all broadcast on TV: Wild Wheels, Driving the Dream, and Automorphosis, as well as two books featuring his photography, Wild Wheels and Art Cars.  He is currently working on a film and book project on the Burning Man arts festival, in addition to creating the Art Car World museum in Douglas, Arizona.

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