Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Laurina Esposito is the daughter of renowned Porsche restoration expert, John Esposito. She grew up learning, working on, and driving Porsche Cars. Five years ago, her career was down a different path before landing in the family business. Laura worked in high-end fashion and in the music entertainment industry where she was a professional singer and spent 6 plus years in Las Vegas singing in shows on the strip. She returned to Los Angeles to temporarily work with her father and when he nearly died, she found herself running the business. She started Women in Porsche where she aligned herself with other women in the Porsche world and the effort has grown world-wide. Today her organization is represented in Germany, the UK, Russia, France, Australia, and other countries. Laurina runs EspoResto along with Women in Porsche where she supports and represents women in the automotive industry.

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