Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Hilary Noack is the Owner of Ink N Iron, a shop specializing in classic car restoration, custom work, and empowering women. Her business is an all-female, auto body repair shop where she also encourages the next generation of female techs through teaching. Hilary got into the trade at the age of 17 and while attending trade school, she was the only woman in her classes throughout her school years. Knowing she would one day have her own shop, she set out to make it different than her competition, all the while noticing more women were entering the trade. After hearing their stories of struggle and discrimination and how they overcame those challenges working in a male-dominated field, she was inspired. After running an IndieGoGo campaign to fund her startup she hit the ground running and Ink N Iron opened the doors in April of 2015.

Direct download: Ep-1345_Hilary_Noack.mp3
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