Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Gunner Mench is the President of the Porsche Club of America chapter on the Big Island of Hawaii. He and wife Elli own Harbor Gallery, an island fixture that's been there for 30 years, where they support over 200 local Island artists and their creations. Born in Germany, Gunner immigrated to the US with his parents when he was just 2 years old. His father had a ’59 1600 Super 356 Porsche that instilled his passion for air-cooled German cars. His father was a Porsche Club of America member and that legacy was handed down to Gunner who worked to create the PCA Club on the island of Hawaii after purchasing a Porsche 356. Gunner was an ASC Certified Mechanic and today he is an avid air-cooled Porsche collector.

Shout out to past Cars Yeah Podcast and TV guest Sara Dakarmen for introducing me to Gunner.

Direct download: Ep1322-Gunner_Mench.mp3
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