Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Big Mike has grown to become a household name and icon in the import automotive culture. As a show judge and event emcee, he travels across the United States and around the globe participating in major events. As a journalist, he contributes to a multitude of online and print automotive publications representing the Compact Tuner industry. He sits on SEMA educational panels, inspiring a new generation of enthusiasts. He was born and raised in southern California and in 2005, his first feature appeared in print. Since then he’s built numerous cars earning awards and placement on renowned magazine covers and within their pages. He competed in the SEMA Battle of the Builders and earned a top 10 finalist position. You’ve seen him on Discovery TV in front of the camera and behind the scenes as an integral part of the import culture.

Big Mike will be one of the enthusiasts I get to interview on the Celebrity Stage at this year’s Classic Auto Show in Costa Mesa, California, March 16 and 17. 

Direct download: Ep1232-Big_Mike.mp3
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