Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Mike Caudill is the CEO of Driven360 in Temecula, California. His company is an international public relations and marketing agency serving clients on a global level. With a focus on the automotive sector, Driven360 has developed successful media programs in the US and multiple foreign markets. Mike is a nationally recognized on-air TV personality who provides key insights and expert commentary from general news to politics and the automotive sector. He’s been featured on TV news stations nationwide where you may have seen Mike on America’s #1 cable morning show, Fox & Friends, sharing great things happening in the auto industry. He’s also appeared on Fox Sports and the automotive industry insider website OurAutoExpert. Mike is also a “hired gun” and corporate consultant helping companies with their public relations and restructuring efforts.

Direct download: Ep1088-Mike_Caudill.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST