Cars Yeah with Ginger Baker Rust

Chris Kimball is the President of Christopher Kimball Financial Services and has been an automotive enthusiast his entire life.  Many of his summers were spent in England with an uncle who raced at Silverstone and had many unique cars including a Delage, Rolls Royce and Citroen. Chris’s history with cars and motorcycles is broad and diverse and his entrepreneurial spirit has resulted in a resume that goes back to detailing cars when he was very young to a variety of careers which eventually lead him to the world of financial planning, estate planning and helping people manage their assets including their collector cars. Chris is passionate about playing the drums and created Woodstick, an event that has raised tens of thousands of dollars for charities and broken the Guinness World Record for the most people playing the drums at one time. He has a radio show titled “Don’t Let Money Rule Your Life”, and he is very active in the collector car community, especially with his local Pantera Club where he is the President.

Direct download: 030_Chris_Kimball_Final.mp3
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